Fill out the order form for Met Kids. I haven't gotten this one before. But it looks fun! And its free, so thats even better!
If you are reading this blog, then I'm nearly positive you love Martha Stewart. And if you don't love her, I bet you still wouldn't mind getting her magazine for one year for free! Unlike the one above, you do have to take a short breakfast survey. It took me less than 5 minutes. I was enrolled in some reward point program (for answering the questions) but I don't plan on using that so I did nothing further besides hit delete. Here's the link I used.
I love spring and fall for many reasons. Especially because of the nursery catalogs. I get a lot from Spring Hill nursery. I have bought quite a few plants from them (they have good specials) In addition to their main catalogs, they also do a ton of mailers. I know this too would be junk mail to most, but the pictures they use are so beautiful I just know I will think of something awesome to make with them some day. So down to the craft room upcycle shelf they go. And in the mean time the kiddos make some pretty beautiful collages! :)

My nephew (and now my daughters - thanks to the new "girl" line) are getting really "in-to" legos. I had no idea there was a magazine, but why not! It makes sense. Because Lord help me, I can never think of anything to create when challenged. And if I'm lucky enough to get an idea, I can never figure out which piece I am missing to complete my vision. I had to fill out a form and then confirm from an email. There are different age magazines, which I though was nice - hopefully the JR addition is filled with Duplo ideas!

I scrolled down until I saw the image above. If you click the magazines tab it'll take you to the digital eddition that shows up on your computer using your flash player. So I hope by doing it the other way it'll actually send one in the mail and not just enroll the kids in the club. (just click the picture for the link)
**Update** We are receiving the Lego Magazine in the mail! :)
I love free magazines, but I am willing to pay for a good mag I really like too. If you are the same way, I urge you to check out http://www.valuemags.com/home/index.asp They have several different titles with reduced subscriptions. If you click on their free tab, you will see a list of freebies. In my searching for today's post I have come across links from them for free Disney Family Fun and Better Homes and Gardens. They are since expired, but at least its nice to know they put popular ones on the free list also!
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