Thursday, June 28, 2012

shadow boxes

I love babies.  I LOVE babies.  Especially my own.  Its been traditon that first birthdays are a huge hoopla here.  (2+ birthdays are simple cake and ice cream parties) I always thought that day was so bittersweet.  So happy to celebrate another first with our child, but the real first sign that our baby was no longer a baby and to quickly growing up.  I knew I wated to preserve that day beyond my usual scrapbooking.  And thanks to Hobby Lobby's awesome frame sale and shadow box selection, this idea came quick and easy.

First step is to save a few random things from the party.  I always save more than I know will fit into the box because that gives me the most options to work with. Here is my finished frame.  Besides the items and the shadow box, you may want a cute scrapbook page to be the background and some pictures.

My finished product includes 2 pictures, one wearing the crown, and the other post cake! :) I also included a irridescent star we used for decorations, an invitation, the birthday princess button and crown she wore, and a small napkin.

Now that she is 7, she still loves looking at this. She has asked why I didn't make one for each party. That's a neat idea, but 18 boxes per kid could get to be a lot of wall space to display them...but still a fun idea! :)

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